Forbidden Fruit: It’s Completely Absurd These 10 Incredible Vehicles Are NOT Sold In The U.S.

We wish they would make it over to our shores, but it's not likely

Yes, I know how the saying goes — you always want what you can’t have. We Americans get plenty of love from global manufacturers, with some even selling vehicles specifically for the market they don’t sell anywhere else. Still, even as some folks in parts of the world pine for something like a Ford F-150, so too do we wish some European and Asian cars and trucks would make their way over to our shores.

In this video, Nathan and Andre discuss some forbidden fruit here in the U.S., laying out 10 cars and trucks sold in global markets that we won’t see anytime soon at our dealerships.

Click on to the next pages to see some of our favorite models we wish manufacturers would actually sell here.