The brand new 2013 Infiniti G37x, the Audi S5 Quattro and the Volvo S60 T5 AWD all have just thing in common; they are all-wheel-drive cars.
But perhaps more importantly, these three car represent three very different ways to achieve power.
The new Infiniti G37x is normally aspirated, while the Volvo S60 T5 is turbocharged and the Audi S5 Quattro is supercharged.
So of course we were curious which of these three cars is faster to 60 MPH @ 1 mile above sea level. In the process of testing all three cars from 0-60 MPH we also wanted to find out just how much a driver can really influence a cars performance so Roman and Nathan decided to have a small contest to see who’s faster.
Is it Roman or Nathan or perhaps Andre the Russian mechanic.
Find out below in another fun TFLcar Mashup Review.
Editor’s note: All three cars represent smart buys. The 2013 Infiniti G37 is an excellent GT machine while the 2013 Audi S5 is a bargain supercar that represents the best at of what Germany is all about. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the Volvo S60 AWD which was the best bang-for-your-buck bargain by far.
The point of this video was to show the one massive variable in each vehicle – the driver. We wanted to show how the drive and his/her choices can make a big difference for 0 to 60 mph times.