Car photos of the day: Paris Hilton’s and Kim Kardashian’s outrageous Bentleys


Here’s a an easy question…what do Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian have in common?

If you said they both got famous because they both made beyond steamy videos that were eventually splattered all over the internet you’d of course be correct, but that’s not what we had in mind.

In fact, what the two reality show stars have in common (besides reality shows) is that they both drive a blinged-out Bentley Continental.

Paris Hilton has an crazy pink Bentley and Kim Kardashian has drop-top midnight black Bentley with red-lined wheels.


They both look a bit over done (the cars not Paris and Kim) if you ask us, but than again we don’t have a steamy video or reality show or (as a matter of fact) a Bentley except for the one below that we tested against a Cadillac.

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