Why wait until Super Bowl Sunday when you can watch the best Super Bowl Commercials right here and right now.
Yesterday we featured what we thought were the Top 5 best 2012 Superbowl commercials HERE.
But in just 24 hours Toyota and now Acura have released two new Super Bowl ads that are not only funny, but have clever and surprise endings. Both are available on YouTube before the big game…which means you can watch both right here, right now.
We like both of them for different reasons.
2) In this 2012 Camry Superbowl commercial Toyota reinvents the car, rain and living room seating, but we best like how Toyota reinvents curtains that make them into a tasty Italian treat.
1) Perhaps our favorite new Super Bowl commercial is this Acura ad for the upcoming new NSX that brings back Jerry Seinfeld and the Soup Nazi from his old sit com. The best part of this 2012 Superbowl commercial (besides the private zip lines through New York City) is the surprise ending with well known funnyman…. Just watch it below as we don’t want t0 spoil the fun.
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