Racing on ice is a challenge in itself. Racing on ice without studded tires, ABS, or any modern electronic traction control is really flirting with danger. But Roman is willing to try almost anything once, and taking a Porsche Speedster replica onto an ice racing course is only part of this week’s episode of Project Porsche. For those who aren’t afraid of a little grease under the fingernails, this episode also documents the clutch replacement for TFLcar’s Porsche 911.
Regular preventive maintenance is likely the single best thing you can do as a car owner to keep your ride happy and potentially save money on big repairs down the road. Whether you own a American, Japanese or European, it always pays dividends to take care of your car, keep up with its scheduled maintenance, and take care of minor problems before they become a big headache at the worst time.
One of the most common repair procedures for the manual transmission 911 is the replacement of the clutch assembly. Unfortunately, it is a rather big process involving the removal of the transmission. The good news is that it’s really not a super-difficult job if you have some information and a few hints and tips.
In this episode of Project Porsche, our friends at Rennstall Classic Cars walk us through the disassembly procedure, show us what to watch for, and how to put it all back together again with no leftover parts. With the transmission out of the car, it is also a good opportunity to replace the intermediate shaft bearing because access is easy with the clutch removed. This bearing has been responsible for more than its share of Porsche engine failures over years and we really to avoid any unexpected surprises during this project.
Catch up on past episodes of Project Porsche
Ep.1 Top 5 Best Classic Porsche Bargains |
Ep.2 The BIG Decision: Porsche 928 vs. 911 |