The brand new 2013 SRT Viper is a true 640 HP fire breathing American supercar.
Welcome to the start of TFLcar’s Viper week!
For the next 5 days we’ll be featuring a new Viper video every day.
Today we start with what is one of our favorite videos because it captures the raw essence of the new SRT Viper.
What do you think happens when you combine a 640 horspepower Viper and a completely soaked and drenched Sonoma Raceway.
The answer is this video that features the new Viper raw and unleashed and drifting in the rain.
Coming up tomorrow on TFLcar’s Viper week is our exclusive first drive review of the new SRT Viper.
Editor’s note: Dodge and SRT were kind enough to fly Roman out to Northern California to test the all new 2013 SRT Viper. Not that I want to complain, kavetch or whine… I WANTED TO GO – – WAHHHHHHH!
Still, it was a good thing that Roman, the more responsible and mature member of The Fast Lane Car, went out there to test the 2013 SRT Viper. For one thing: the pre-production Vipers were in better hands as Roman’s a grownup. The other reason: it was raining just about the entire time and it serves him right.