With the recent news of the U.K. Top Gear losing one of its main hosts, Chris Evans, a new teaser of The Grand Tour is perfectly timed. The combination of James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and Richard Hammond has been missing in our lives since Clarkson was fired for assault on the set of the trio’s old show.
The chemistry between the hosts is something that cannot be duplicated and was the reason the old Top Gear was such a success, and the reason The Grand Tour on Amazon will also be a hit. I’m not sure if anybody would notice if the clip above was void of any cars. All that’s needed to make an entertaining show is these guys standing around giggling like to school girls and cracking wise with each other. Of course, a little vehicle destruction doesn’t hurt.
The Grand Tour on Amazon comes out in the fall on Amazon. Until then, watch these clips over and over and over…and over.