Get the Latest TFL Gear For Your Nearest and Dearest!

TFL gear
Get the latest gear in time for the holidays!

Check out our store for the latest TFL gear on sale now!

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season to all of you in the TFL community! The entire team here at TFLcar and TFLtruck thank you for your support throughout the year. Without that support, TFLcar and TFLtruck wouldn’t be among YouTube’s most popular automotive channels.

Now, just in time for the holidays, we have some new apparel for you and yours. Check out our store on Teespring to pick up the latest TFL gear. Designs for TFLtruck is available now – be sure to check back for more merchandise as it becomes available!

As it happens, TFL fans following Roman’s Big Green Chevy K10 and Mr. Truck’s Dodgezilla Ram 1500 can now get special logo designs featuring their favorite beast. Big thanks to Casey Christenson for the Big Green and slogan designs!

If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the latest match featuring Big Green against Dodgezilla. As always, thank you for your continued support. Check back to and for your latest news, views, and real world reviews! Also subscribe to The Fast Lane Car and The Fast Lane Truck on YouTube to see great comparison videos like the one below!