Behind the Scenes at TFL, including nifty Jeep Info [Video]

Check out our first official Behind the Scenes video! We at TFL (car and truck) try to be as interactive with our viewers and readers as we can. This includes our live broadcasts, live question and answers and our interaction with our fans on all of our outlets.

Just like our Top 5 and Top 10 videos on both TFLcar and TFLtruck, our Behind the Scenes video is somewhat interactive. We want your opinions on what you want to see and, perhaps, who you want to see in the video. The information we gain from your input will have a direct effect on what we film next.


In this Behind the Scenes video episode, we get to show you our in-progress production of our Jeep build including some commentary from the Jeep-man himself, Tommy. You’ll get a glimpse of our planning board featuring some (possible) Top 5 and Top 10 ideas. Finally, I get a chance to talk to Roman about our planned, future Cliffhanger video along with an announcement about our book, “Truck Nuts”

The Behind the Scenes videos go hand in hand with our Facebook (soon to be YouTube) live broadcasts too. We can address questions and feature things you guys are interested in. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

Here’s our first “official” Behind the Scenes video!